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Why is a change as good as a rest?

POSTED ON 27/07/2020 IN Emotional Wellbeing

Self-care is something. I think, we should all prioritise because making sure we are OK physically and mentally is vital […]

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What is the point of worrying?

POSTED ON 23/07/2020 IN Emotional Wellbeing

Worries, we all have them. We can worry about smaller things such as going to a new place and meeting […]

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Why is it good to have a routine?

POSTED ON 13/07/2020 IN Emotional Wellbeing

When it comes to our lives, everyone has their own preferences on how to do things. What we do, where […]

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It’s never too late

POSTED ON 04/07/2020 IN Life Events

A famous quote by the English novelist George Eliot is ‘it is never too late to be what you might […]

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Money and happiness

POSTED ON 25/05/2020 IN Emotional Wellbeing

Money. It makes the world go round, doesn’t it? Without it, we can’t usually buy things, do things, or experience […]

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